Build & Sculpt Your Glutes Fast With Flywheel Training: Top 5 Exercises
Big shapely glutes have been coming in and out of vogue for centuries, as of late it’s become more than just a fitness goal – becoming a cultural phenomenon with the likes of Kim Kardashian fuelling what now seems to be almost every fitness influencer, the demand for big, round, sculpted glutes has skyrocketed. While some opt for surgery or extreme measures, the best way to achieve a strong, natural shape is through smart resistance training.
Why Flywheel Training Makes You Feel Amazing
As someone who has tried it all, I have found that flywheel training offers a unique post-workout feeling that leaves you feeling refreshed, energised and perhaps most importantly- motivated to train again! But why does it feel so good?
Let’s break it down:
What is Adaptive Resistance? Understanding the Benefits for Your Workout
Training with adaptive resistance can benefit just about any fitness enthusiast, whether your goal is building strength or burning calories read on to find out how adaptive resistance can support your fitness journey!